The Jeff Wyler Family First program provides extended protection for your new or pre-owned vehicle investment.

Wyler Family First Package (new) - $2,495

NanoCure Appearance Protection: We apply an interior/exterior chemical sealant to your vehicle to protect it against environmental hazards. (7 year warranty coverage)

Pulse: Rear end collision avoidance system which rapidly pulses your third brake light when you press the brake petal. With 40% of all accidents being rear-end collisions, Pulse helps get the attention of a distracted driver behind you.

Theft Deterrent Strategy: Gives you 5 years of coverage against vehicle theft, offering up to $5,000 benefit.

Wyler Family First Package (used) - $995

Our pre-owned vehicle inspection and reconditioning standards are second to none, We start with a comprehensive multi-point mechanical inspection to ensure your vehicle meets our stringent safety and reliability standards, followed by a meticulous detailing process of your vehicle, inside and out.  Our Wyler Family First Package for pre-owned vehicles includes:
Clorox 360 - Deep Clean & Sanitize:

This electrostatic cleaning system is bleach-free, odorless, colorless and safe to use inside your vehicle, eliminating 99% of bacteria inside your car in as little as 5 seconds. Clorox 360 also inhibits the growth of mold and mildew, eliminates odors caused by bacteria, and is EPA registered to kill viruses such as cold and flu viruses and SARS-Cov-2 ( virus that causes COVID-19).

MOC - Professional Car Care Products:

Premium additives to ensuring that your pro-owned vehicle retains it exceptional quality.
  • Engine: Oil and filter are replaced, MOC Oil Conditioner is added.
  • Transmission: Inspection followed by MOC Universal Transmission Conditioner.
  • Fuel System: Inspection and then MOC Universal Fuel Conditioner is added.
  • Cooling System: Inspection and then MOC Cooling Treatment is added to coolant.

Pulse: Rear end collision avoidance system which rapidly pulses your third brake light when you press the brake pedal. With 40% of all accidents being rear-end collisions, Pulse helps get the attention of a distracted driver behind you.